Making your own oat milk not only makes sense economically but also environmentally if you can find some good organic, locally sourced steel cut oats. I buy mine through my local Organic Box. It makes a great base for smoothies or lattes and if you choose not to sweeten it is a great base for creamy soups. I am sure it would make an outstanding eggnog but that will have to wait until next Christmas!

- 1 cup of organic steel cut or whole oats
- 6 cups of water
- 3 medjool dates
- 1 tsp. of true cinnamon
Soak oat in plenty of water overnight. Strain.

Combine oats with 6 cups of water, cinnamon and pitted dates in a high speed blender. If you can’t fit all of the water in at once, just add 4 cups and add the remaining cup to the milk at the end. Blend until smooth.

Pour the blended oat mixture into a nut milk bag positioned over a medium sized bowl. Gently squeeze the bag until all of the milk has been squeezed into the bowl below. Add the additional water at this point if you were unable to fit it all into your blender jug!

Store the oat milk in a sealed mason jar or bottle in the fridge for up to 5 days. If you don’t go through it quickly enough, freeze half of it.