This is one of those perfect mid-winter soups when it’s too cold to feel like a big salad but you know you need a big dose of nutritious greens!
The Paradise Bowl
Every great ski hill seems to have a “bowl” named after one of their famed runs. I dedicate this dish to the great Paradise Bowl at Lake Louise. […]
Chili Lime Coconut Red Lentil Soup
I had you at chili, lime and coconut right? Red lentils are simmered in a creamy coconut broth with a pinch of garam masala, turmeric and cumin to […]
Raw Salty Caramel Coconut Almond Protein Balls
Inspired by my Raw Salty Caramel Coconut Almond Butter, these protein rich raw cookies are easily made with a food processor. I made dozens of these this week […]
Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Smoothie Bowl
I am joining the “Smoothie Bowl” craze with the spring flavours of fresh organic strawberries and rhubarb right out of my mountain garden! It isn’t often that we […]